Fake products of Patanjali and Ruchi Soya were being made in Mandideep, team from Delhi caught fake oil worth Rs 30 lakh
Patanjali Fake Product: In Mandideep, which is called the industrial hub of Raisen district, a company was making and selling fake products in the market in the name of Patanjali . After repeated complaints, Delhi High Court gave the order. Under this order, raid action has been taken against this company of Mandideep. According to the information, fake oil was being manufactured in the name of Patanjali Company (Patanjali Fake Product) in RS Industries running in 40 block of Mandideep Industrial Area. This fake oil was being made and sold in the name of Patanjali. The raid on the company has been taken after the order of Delhi High Court. The matter is of Satlapur police station area. These items were confiscated from the company According to the information, complaints were being received repeatedly in Mandideep about fake oil being made and sold in the name of Patanjali (Patanjali Fake Product). After this, Patanjali filed a suit in Delhi High Court. ...