Alanna Panday Wedding: Alanna Pandey became a bride wearing a white lehenga, first pictures surfaced

Alanna Panday Wedding Photos: Ananya Pandey's sister Alava Pandey has tied the knot. Now the sister's photos of her wedding have also come to the fore. Alana was looking very beautiful in the bride's dress.

New Delhi: For the last several days, news is coming about the marriage of Ananya Panday's cousin Alanna Panday. Now she has married her longtime boyfriend Ivor McCrae in Mumbai on Thursday. Now the first photos of their marriage have also come to the fore. Both are married according to Indian customs. For this special day, she has chosen a white color outfit.

Alana is looking very beautiful

Apart from this, she has carried a very beautiful and heavy embroidered lehenga. With this, she has worn diamond jewelery and kept her hair open. She is looking very beautiful in this look.

At the same time, the groom King Ivor has also carried a white sherwani. According to rituals, he has also worn a white colored turban on his head. Ivor is also looking quite handsome.

Ananya Pandey shared the video

The video of Alana and Ivor's wedding has been posted by Ananya Pandey in her Instagram story. In this, both are seen holding each other's hands. Happiness is clearly visible on the faces of both. Apart from this, only family members and some close friends of both were included in the marriage. Celebrities like Bollywood's famous fashion designers Manish Malhotra, Nandita Mahtani and Jackie Shroff were also present in these.

Photos of wedding functions went viral

Let us inform that recently the functions of their marriage have started. Many photos of Haldi Ceremonies of Alana and Ivor have also become very viral on social media. Ananya has also shown a glimpse of her turmeric ceremony in her Instagram story. Apart from this, she chose a dress designed by Payal Singhal for her turmeric ceremony.

Alana and Ivor have been dating for a long time

Significantly, Alana and Ivor have been dating each other for a long time. After being together for a long time, both of them got engaged in 2021 taking their relationship a step further. Ivor proposed Alana in a very romantic way on the beach. Alana had also shown a glimpse of this to her fans.

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