What is Taliban's master plan in Afghanistan... Strategy Decode

The Taliban is rapidly expanding in Afghanistan and with the increasing step of terror, insecurity, human rights, refugees and terror are being heard in Central Asia.

New Delhi:

The Taliban is spreading rapidly in Afghanistan and with the increasing step of terror, insecurity, human rights, refugees and terror are being heard in Central Asia. The Taliban's policies have not changed, but its strategy seems to have changed. The Taliban is aggressive but does not express the casualties of the people due to its attack. Common people are losing their lives every day due to his attack, but he exaggerates the figures of casualties of Afghan forces.

Taliban is gradually increasing the scope

The behavior of the Taliban is based on the Islamic State, Saria law and the fundamentalist regime, but it wants to wear a mask on its terrorist face. Capturing from Kandahar to Helmand and its surrounding areas is not a difficult task for the Taliban, but it does not want to repeat the mistake of 1996. In a strategy to increase its legitimacy and acceptance in the eyes of the world, the Taliban is gradually increasing its influence and scope, while on the other hand it is also increasing its dialogue with neighboring countries including Russia, Iran and Uzbekistan. If you understand the Taliban's strategy deeply, then it is working together with the aim of increasing its scope on Afghan soil and acceptance in the world.

What will happen after the withdrawal of US Forces?

With the withdrawal of the US forces, the Taliban began working on the strategy of expansionism before moving on to the power-sharing agenda. The Taliban did not start a race to capture large provinces as a strategy, but they started taking one district after another, and especially the rural areas under their jurisdiction. The real and aggressive face of Taliban is yet to be seen by the world. The Taliban will start showing that face from the end of August, when the US military will completely withdraw its sack bed from Afghanistan. It is believed that after that the aggressive Taliban will present a real challenge to the Afghan government by capturing Kandahar, Ghazni, Helmand and Paktia Provinces.

The Taliban began occupation of Afghanistan in 1996.

When the Taliban started occupying Afghanistan in 1996, their invasion started from the southern part of Afghanistan, but this time the Taliban has started occupation from the northern part. The second and main target of the Taliban's initial attack is the trade routes through which it wants to be strong financially as well as strategic. After successful in its strategy, the Taliban's eye will naturally also be on Kabul, Jalalabad and Herat. After this, the Taliban wants to sit at the table of power sharing so that if the agreement is done, it will have a heavy edge.

Pakistan's role and India's challenge

It is well known that the government of Pakistan is an equal partner in the strategy of the Taliban. ISI and Pak army are providing full help to Taliban. Not only this, Jaish and Lashkar-e-Taiba, which are fighting against Afghan along with Taliban in the name of terrorist organization Jihad. In Balochistan madrassas are being called to join jihad. All the border areas of Pakistan remain the refuge of the Taliban and even the injured Taliban fighters are being admitted to hospitals in Pakistan for treatment. Pakistan's Haqqani network in the form of Taliban and its direct connection with Al Qaeda is also not hidden from anyone. In such a situation, it will not be an exaggeration to say that Pakistan has a nefarious face in the terrorist form of Taliban and through this entire exercise, Pakistan will also share power with Taliban to a great extent on the land of Afghanistan.

India's Strategic Alliance with Afghanistan

On the other hand, if we look at the situation of India, then India has a strategic alliance with Afghanistan and India has not only been training the Afghan forces but has also been providing logistic supplies as per the need. The real challenge in front of India in this entire development is also because India's major investment in Afghanistan is in danger. Instability in Afghanistan will create many formidable problems related to instability, terror, human rights abuses, refugees and violence in Central and South Asia besides India. That is, the next 2 to 3 months are going to be very challenging for Afghanistan.

News is originally taken from: https://www.newsnationtv.com/world/news/taliban-is-spreading-rapidly-in-afghanistan-insecurity-in-central-asia-due-to-increasing-move-of-terror-197436.html


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